Wednesday, December 27, 2006

I hope you all had a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS

I know that it was here - along with being very hectic and tiring, that is.

On Sat - mom, Jenny, Darryl, Valerie, & Kris came over and we did a bit of baking. I think we made a total of about 35 pounds of Fudge, 8 batches of rice krispie treats, and about 100 cookies. What a busy day that was. That night we went for "Christmas Tacos" with Maryann and Linda. The girls got tons of toys from grandma and Auntie. It was a good night - we were able to sit and relax for a while and just talk.

It was a busy Christmas Eve. We started out by visiting Karen and Craig. The girls had a blast playing with the kids and I enjoyed being able to see Karen again (It has been about 2 months). We were only able to stay for 2-3 hours, but I know that we are going to tea on Thursday so at least I can see her again soon.

After that we went home to clean a bit for Christmas. We were also able to finish up a bit of last minute wrapping and "hiding". Kevin bought the girls a TinkerBell Dresser for the playhouse - we cleaned the playhouse and then put the dresser in so that they could find it in the morning.

Maryann came over for a bit and we did the Tamale thing for dinner on Christmas eve. It was nice spendind time with Grandma a bit. The girls always enjoy the time with her.

On Christmas the house of crowded. We had about 30 people here and boy does my house feel small with all those people in it. I really enjoyed having the new sofa set though. It sure made it nice with all those people. Before everyone got here, we opened our gifts. We got Kevin a 3 days Singles cruise (I made an album for his pictures), I got a cricut from him, and tim some tools. I got tim new tube steps for his truck, as well as a new pair of boots, and he got me a new lens and a new flash for my camera.

Regan was happy - she got a Robosapien and a pair of Heeleys.

Ahnika was perhaps the happiest - this year santa fulfilled her greatest wish - a Roach farm. It has two Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches in it that she absolutely loves. It is the only thing she has asked Santa for for the last two years. She also got a pair of Heeleys.

Kiana was also ecstatic. She finally got the Nintendo DS lite she has wanted. She also got a pair of Heeleys.

Over all - it was a great and exhausting day.

I can't wait to do it again next year.

I know it has been a while

Since I posted anything, but it has been crazy around here.

I will start a few weeks back, to at least catch you up a little.

About 3 weeks ago, I was asked to go to Boston (by Prentice Hall - a publishing company) to help them with their Biology book). I went with a friend and fellow teacher for a3 days and two nights and stayed at the Jury's Hotel (what a fantastic place that is). We arrived on Thursday, after a 5 hour flight and we were both ready to go. We had dinner with our host (and the two other Bio teacher - from Ohio, Kim and Jennifer) that night and then had a chance to walk around a bit. Unfortunately, most things were closed. Although Bostonians said they were having a heat wave (I do not consider high 50's & low 60's to be HEAT) we were dressed to stay warm. On Friday morning we headed off to PH for a meeting with the editors, graphic designers, etc... that work on the Biology books. We had a great meeting and were able to give opinions from the eyes of teachers and students who are using them in the trenches. I am sure they didn't like all of what we said, but we sure did have a great meeting. In fact it spilled over into lunch (about 5 of the 15 people at the meeting chose to go with us). By the end, we were asked to be consulting/contributing teachers for PH - what an honor). After the meeting, we dicided to go to Salem. We took a taxi to the north station and then the train out to Salem. While we were there it started raining pretty hard (good thing these California girls took down parkas). We had fun none the less - we visited the Witch's Museum and then walked around to find the burial site of the "witches" - It is amazing how much I remember about the layout of the city from 5 years ago. By the time we were finished, the shops were pretty much closed and we needed to get to the train station. Once back in Boston we decided to eat at Smith and Wallensky's - what a great steak house. On Saturday we spent the morning on the Freedom Trail - 5.5 hours later we caught a taxi from the U.S.S. Constitution back to the hotel. It was time to get to the airport and a 6.5 hour flight back to our families.

I thought I could have a nice peaceful day to rest up fromthe trip, but boy was I wrong. Tim went into work (since he took 3 day s off while I was gone). On his way home (about 2pm) I received a call from him telling me that his car was on fire. I expected a small fire - but hte kids and I were on our way. Meanwhile, I get a cll from the stables - something is wrong with my horse - I need to get down there right away - well, as I previously stated I am on my way to get my husband - need less to say the car was totally gone (tires melted and painted turned to ash gone). We decided to head straight down to Longo Toyota and get a car (There is no way that we can survive on 1 car). After we were done (8:30pm) we could finally head home - The girls wanted to ride in the new car of course. Tim didn't even get off the lot before - you guessed it - KIANA THREW UP IN THE TRUCK. Too bad you already signed the contract Tim.

This continued throughout the night - my bed was striped 3 times - Kiana kept climbing in to my bed when I was asleep - I woke up abut 3 times, to her throwing up - what a joy. I went back to work on Monday (as tired as I could have possibly been - totally not rested). On Monday, after work I went to see my horse, and I figured out that he had only had some rocks in his hooves. Thankfully. Of course - a week later - he did have thrush in one of his other feet. What a pain to have to deal with. Cleaning out and applying medicine every day.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Was all the hard work worth it?

After 3 weeksof hard work, sore muscles, and aching bones, of practicing for 2 hours each on Mondays, Thursdays, and Sunday mornings (8-10am), of scrimmaging our husbands and kids, of listening to them tell us to run faster or kick harder - the mom's tournament was yesterday, Saturday November 4th, 2006.
I have practicing hard with my team (3 times a week). Some highlights of those practices include:
After the 1st practice: Regan told me that I needed to "put more heart into it".
Getting razzed by Tim & my team for spening $100 on my cleats (I went for comfort - not cost) and I am so glad that I did - everyone else was getting blisters and sore feet, but mine were comfy, cozy.
Yvette got taken out by Tim (accidentally of course) - they were going after the same ball, and he got her ankle.
Sal (our Coach) saying that his U12 boys team listened better than us. LOL of course
At one of the last practices: We were scrimmaging the guys and Tim & I were going for the same ball - he slide tackled me, I flew up and did a body slam on the field, had the wind knocked out of me and just ached all over.
I never knew that working this hard was so much fun. For someone who does not think working out or running is fun, I have had a blast practicing soccer.
Things I have learned from this experience:
I learned that icy hot and ibuprophen really do help when you just can't stop. I learned that slide tackling is illegal in soccer, that getting the wind knock out of you hurts more as a 36 year old woman than when you were a kid, that SOCCER IS HARDER THAN IT LOOKS! LOL
To answer the beginning - Yes it was definitely worth every bit of the hard work that went into preparing for it.

Am I sore today, YOU BET! I guess I am not as young as I once was - But you can bet that I am going to do it again next year.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Another day of soccer has come and gone.

All in all it was a good day on the soccer fields.

I missed Kiana's game because Regans and hers overlaped. Since Tim is the coach of the Pumas (Kiana's team) he had to be there. This of course means that I was at Regan's. When I got to Kiana's game (i pulled up as they were going through the tunnel), she ran up to me and said, in asad little voice, :I didn't make any goals". It was so cute. She wants so badly to make a goal (she made one last week remember), but she is literally 2 years younger than the rest of the kids on the field (and it shows). She should be playing U5, but because we are coaching the team, she is playing U6. She is tall for her age, but still short on the fields.

Ahnikas team did good, but we had 7 players that were sick or not there. Three of the girls were on the field not feeling well, in fact on told us that she thought that she was going to through up, another (our best player) started crying onthe field, because she wasn't feeling well. Needless to say - this wasn't the best game we played, but they still played very well.

Regans team did well as well. Carlos has finally figured out that if he says something to Regan she will try harder. She had quite a few good kicks yesterday and played a good game. The thing that I think she needs to work on is her running. She likes to jog instead of sprint. I think that this is, in large part, our fault for having her run 3 miles. She is used to pacing herself and has built up slow twitch muscles and know she has to build up some fast twitch. At this point, she is starting to run sprint laps every day (in fact everyone is running them).

Tim too has a little bit of news, he has gottent he new position and he is totally happy about it. He has said, at least a few times since Friday afternoon "I got it" with a big ole smile on his face. I am very happy for him. He also got a little good news on the soccer field. He is now an Intermediate Referee. He was observed yesterday and was promoted from an area ref (which is the first level.

This is what the girls were doing while Tim was reffing one of his games. They thought that it was great fun to swing Kiana by her limbs. Kiana thought that it was great fun too. I remember that I loved to do this as well.

Well it is about time for me to sign off. I hope everyone has a great week.

Friday, October 13, 2006

WOW! This week was sure a ........

doosy (sp?).

Sunday saw me busy as a beaver cuting and organizing for the brownie crop that was coming up. I also took the girls (along with my MIL) to the theater to see "The Crayon Court". It was a great show. We all loved it.

On Monday, I had a "New Leader" Girl scout meeting from 6-9pm. Ahnika, Kiana, & Tim had soccer practice, and Regan had a Jr. GS meeting with her troop. I arrived to the meeting, only to find that no one else was there. Apparently they forgot to tell me (and 1 other person) that it had been cancelled. I waited around for 1 hour, just in case I was wrong about the time and it actually started at 7pm. It didn't.

Wednesday, Regan had soccer practice at 5pm and I sat at her practice cutting stuff for the brownie crop.

Thursday is the big day for the brownie troop crop (they were making hte brownie book). 22 of them showed up and OH MY GOODNESS. They did a great job, but what a lot of kids to be learning to scrap at the same time. Here are some pics of the project(in total there are 12 pages -which the girls had to contruct from scratch - and over 25 different picture / journalling spots (each of which have at least 1 mat - many of which have 2). It seriously took me over a week (working at night) to cut out all the materials. The girls seemed to like it though.

Friday - well today amoungst all else, I had a major (Really really major) report due to the state. I have been working on it for the last month (budget stuff, data, etc....). I am so glad that it was sent in - talk about a relief. Tonight I found out that Tim just got a new position and he is really excited about it. Tomorrow - Well the majority of the day is going to be spent on the soccer fields, as per normal.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Some pictures from last weeks games.

Kiana takes the ball down the field and scores her 1st goal.

Regan saves the game (with about 2 seconds to lose)

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Well another Saturday has come and

gone and so has another three games of soccer.

Regan actually had two games this week. One was on Tuesday evening against Jamies team (they were good). We lost the game by 2 goals. The girls played hard and this game was a great learning experience for them. Two of the opposing girls actually play Club and our girls stood up to them well. Today, the 30th, they played the Dominators and tied. Regan was goalie fourth quarter and I nearly had a heart attaack when, at the end of the quarter, the biggest girl on the opposing team came at her with all she had. Regan did a great job and attacked the girl. She actually grabbed the ball mid roll and sent it back out to play. with in a few seconds, it was back (so was the girl) and Regan once again saved the day by attacking and grabbing the ball. NO GOALS were scored against Regan. YEAHHHHHHHHHH - WOOOOOHOOOOO REGAN Again they tied, and coach was happy with Regan for not letting them score.

Ahnikas team played the Blue Storm . They also did well today, however they didn't win the game. That is not a problem, we will be back strong on Wednesday (our 1st weeknight game). Tim was silly at the game, he painted the girls hair purple and then put on a purple wig to help motivate the girls. He was actually quiter today than last week. Maybe that is why the didn't win. LOL The girls are so good and really give Tim a lot during practices and games. Mylah did a great job today and Reily played really well on defense.

Kiana's team did well today against the Dolphins. We won (5-4) even though technically we don't keep score (U6 is a non-competitive division). Kiana was so excited, SHE SCORED HER FIRST GOAL!. (unfortunately it was for the other team - she didn't know we were going the other way). I had to put some money in the goal can for her goal. She was so proud of herself. These guys were also very cute today. They loved having their hair painted purple by coach and they still sit at half time and tell each other (and coach) knock, knock jokes. They are so silly and the jokes are the same from one week to the next. Tim wore his purple wig here and the girls loved it. Ryann had a great game as well and made three goals. Deborah also scored her first goal today, and it was in the right net. GO DEBORAH.

On a totally different note, all three girls are now girl scouts. Kiana is officially a Daisy, Ahnika a Brownie, & Regan is a Junior. In order to have Ahni and Kiwi on the same troop, I have also signed up as an Assit. Leader. Our troop is small (Thankfully) - only 5 girls. I figure that this way there are only two meetings every two weeks instead of three. Well have a great week all.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

I've been tagged.....

..... To post 5 weird things about myself.

Lets see (Can't think of even 1 - hum??????)

1. I l0ve surprises, to the extent that if Tim gives me a gift before my birthday, he still gets me something else on my birthday (weird huh - you'd think he would learn).

2. I write a letter to each of my girls (& Tim) telling them how much I love them and how proud I am of them, before I go on a trip. I mail it to them the day that I leave (usually as I am going to the airport). That way, if something happens to me (the plane crashes or something) they know exactly how I feel. (Tim says that I am fatalistic when it comes to flying without my family). I just don't want there to be any doubt about my feelings.

3. I am terrified of having something happen to me. Not that Tim would not raise the girls well, but that they would grow up with out a mom. I can't stand the thought of another woman raising my children. I am terribly selfish with my kids. I just don't think that anyone else could possibly love them and cherish them the way I do.

4. Although I love time alone, I hate to go anywhere with the girls. I haven't been away from the girls for more than 2 days at a time. Even when I go to conferences, I try to take Tim and the kids with me. I also miss them when I am not with them.

5. I have very few friends. I am so busy with Tim and the girls (and love to spend time with them), that I rarely go out with girlfriends. Not that I don't want to go, it is just that I feel bad not being with them.

Lets see, who can I tag. ...............Give me a couple days to think about it. I will think of someone....................

So much has been happening around here that I ...

...seem to have over looked my scrapping a bit, but believe me IT IS STILL GOING STRONG I have 6 scrapping classes set up in the next 2 months. An Island LO, a Halloween card class, a Halloween LO, a Boo Bucket class, a thanksgiving LO, x-mas gift cans, a x-mas album, and x-mas cards class. I am definantly staying busy here.

I am alspo working on 7 coaches albums (one for each coach) and 32-2page spreads (1 spread for each girl on the team). This all need to be done by the beginning of Nov. - so I guess I need to get my butt moving.

I also have 2 -2 page LOs to do for Ursula's baby album. Can't say which ones I am doing - Does Urs KNow? - not sure, which is why I am not going to post that info (although I don't think that it much matters - she does know that we are doing the album). LOL At least I wont post for now (Maybe later).

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Second week of Soccer and ....

We did great.

Kiana and the Purple Pumas won their game against the Blue team (can't recall their name right now - sorry). The girls scored 4 goals and the other team was only able to score 1. What a day and what a great way to start the season.

Ahnikas team, the Purple Fairies, also won their game against teh Shooting Stars. I was amazing to watch them today. They were on FIRE. The stars were not even able to score a goal against them. YAHOOOOOOOOO FAIRIES. Tim was his usual loud self and the girls are sure getting loud as well. Even the parent got involved in the chanting today.

Regan's team, the Purple Panthers, didn't win, but they played great and were up against a great team. They play the Turtles (coached by Don Jacks) and Regan had a great game. Today Regan was goalie and no goals were let through while she was there. That is always a very nice thing. YEAH REGAN!!!!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Well, I made it...

...Through the 1st full week of students...

Needless to say it was a tiring week, but a productive one as well. I really think that this is going to be a great year. I have some really good kids and they are adjusting well to my expectations (at least for the time being). After having the summer off (debatable - I did have all three girls and their activities all summer to keep me more than busy) it was sure hard to adjust back to the early schedule of the school year. The girls have had a hard time of it as well. During the summer I let them sleep in and now they are all getting up early (6am) and we are out of the house before 7am. They are also getting back on their regular schedule in regard to homework. Regan, at her new school, is getting homework everyday of ht eweek and is doing well. We are very proud of her. Ahnika just got her very first homework packet (she gets hers ont he weekends and does it all by Monday - makes for an easier week).

As if the work week wasn't enough, Thursday night was Back 2 School night for Regan. I had already met the 2 teachers that Regan will be working with, but I don't think they realized how into Regan's education we really are. They thought that she should move down to a different math level because they said they were concerned that she couldn't keep up (This after 2 days) - They don't know Regan very well (or us!!!). Needless to say - Regan has already covered almost all of the material in the math book and is in the highest level math class for the 4th grade (Regan could finish the entire book). There were 38 students in that math class and only 34 in the lower one, both of the students that were going to be moved down were new transfers, turns out that the math teacher expressed how well Regan was doing in the math class to me at B2S night (and two other kids have been moved down to the lower class (It totally pisses me off that it is a #s thing). I know that Regan will do well, and we are keeping an eye on what will be happening with the GATE program at the school.

Additionally, I scheduled a scrappin' class for Friday night (I secretly wanted to cancel it). I was so tired, but the "Fun BBQ Style" LO class was a hit. Four techniques were used (painting, tearing paper, hidden journaling, and Walnut inking). I was done by 7pm and on my way home. Because I was so late, we decided to get food out, take it home, and eat in front of the T.V. (this rarely happens, so the girls were in heaven).

...And through the first day of the soccer season.
we were at the fields at 8:30am for a 9am game (Kiana's) against the USC girls - guess what color they were. The Purple Pumas did a great job and it was great to watch them. After that game, we made sure the fields were clean and then went to drop Tim off at Los Coyotes so that he could ref a game. Meanwhile, we went to get some food and drinks and made sure that noone was starving. Then we went back to Behringer to eat and warm up for Ahnika's 12:15pm game against the "Soccer Princesses" - which is Luis Pineda's team (We coached with Luis our first year in in the league). The Purple Fairies did an awesome job. Ahnika loves being the goalie and did a heck of a job. Midway through that game, I had to walk Regan over to the next field to start warming up for her 1pm game against the "Shamrocks". Like the other two teams, the Purple Panthers did a hell of a job (they all had purple hair too). Regan was both a center and a defender and had some awesome kicks. I think that this was the best game she has ever had.

And if I am not busy enough, after a long day on the soccer fields, Regan & I had a date with the Girl Scouts at 5:45pm. Because she sold over 500boxes of cookies last year, she was invited to a pirate party (I got some awesome pix). On the agenda at the party was making a Booty bag, walking the plank, pirate bingo, making a treasure chest, sinking a ship, and taking pix with a pirate (with a great pirate ship backdrop). We had a great time and after a dinner of fried chicken, octopus tentacles (hotdog slices), bread, and the sea (jello with gummi fish), we were able to listen to the Pirate Band sing some old familiar pirate songs for us. All in all it was a fun time.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Off and Running...

with both school and soccer.

School officially started on Wednesday (for Regan & I) and on Thursday (Ahnika & Kiana). I have to admit that I am dog tired after only three days with kids. I think that I already need a vacation (Is it summer yet?). I have to admit though that I am very happy with my new kids. They seem to be a good bunch (I will post later in the year, maybe my thoughts will have changed by then. LOL

Regan was worried about starting 4th grade at a new school, but everything seems to be going well. Cole is in her class, and I think that helped a bit. A couple of other kids Regan already knew (from soccer) are also in her class. The most familiar is a little girl named Melissa who Regan has Heelyed with in the past. She sees to like her new teacher, Mrs. Fox. Regan is still interested in Astronomy and still says that she is going to be an Astronomer who writes children's book. We haven't gone to the observatory lately, but Regan is bugging us to do so. This is the same goal she had for herself in Kindergarten (amazing that it hasn't changed yet- isn't it).

Ahnika and Kiana are happy to be back at school. Ahnika is is now in 1st grade and is with a new teachers (Ms. Genet & Mrs. Hahn). She is having a blast and I know that these two teachers, whom I love, will challange her to do her best and then some. Kiana is in Pre-K and is still with Ms. Jayasekera, who she absolutely loves. It is hard to believe that Kiana is going to be in Kindergarten next year. WOW - where did the time go? All three girls are continuing their studies in Spanish as well. Ms. Genet is actually their Spanish teacher (and has been for the past year). They love her and she has a way with them.

Ahnika is still planning on being a Vet. She says that she is going to go to UC Davis after high school. What an awesome dream to have (from experience of course). Hard to believe that this is the same child that yelled bloody murder if she saw an ant a few years ago. LOL

Kiana is still unsure of what she wants to do, but I think that books are a part of it. Who knows she still has plenty of time to figure it out.

I was soooooo very ready for the weekend- I could sleep in, do nothing all day, stay in my pajamas. RIght?--------

As if it isn't enough to start school, Soccer is officially started as well. Opening / Picture day was today. (No rest for the wicked right). We spent the day (8am-3pm) on the fields making sure that all the teams got their pictures taken and the cookie dough orders were turned in.
Tim is Refereeing (is that a word?) again and coaching two teams (the purple pumas - Kiana's U6 team, & the Purple Fairies - Ahnika's U8 Team) and YES Tim is known as the big fairy (along with his two very masculine asst. coaches who were all three dressed in lavender shirts) today. I am team mom for Kiana's team and am also the U6 Commissioner. I am having fun this year. Regan's U10 Coach is awesome so far (he has been doing this for a while). She is a Purple Panther. what are the odds that we could ever get all three in the same color again.

Needless to say, we were all exhausted by the end of the day. By the time we got home, we all wanted nothing better than to just be bums around the house. We played at home, I scrapped a few cards, the girls vegged in the living room (watching TV), and Tim vegged on the computer. It also carried over into Sunday when no one got up before 8am (usually we are up and going by 6:30). Today I think a nice relaxing day is in order. Maybe a walk to the park and an early dinner.

Thanks for reading. I will try to update my blog every couple of days, but at least on the weekends (when things slow down a little).

Saturday, September 02, 2006

The last weekend of the summer

and what are we doing?

I have spent the last week at work trying to get my room reade, what a mess. Talk about throwing stuff out (I do it in Fall, because I figure that if I didn't use it last year - I don't need to keep it for this year). We got all new books for science so I will need to spend some time with the Chem book - just familiarizing myself with it (exciting huh?). I was actually on a study last year for theBio book, so thankfully I am already familiar with that one and love it.

Hayley (my niece) is turning four and we are on our way to a party at the park. It is always nice getting together with the family (even if that does mean 40-50 people). I guess it comes with the territory when you have a large family.

We also got a call from Zach (mentioned in an earlier post). He has signed a contract to play professional Volleyball in Austria. We are very happy for him, but the girls say that they miss him (They love him and probably drove him nuts during their 8 weeks of swimming lessons). Here are a couple of pics of him and Kiana.

On Monday we will be staying home and having a little BBQ of our own. We are not big on going out of town on major holiday weekends (too crowded - no matter where you go).

Whatever you are doing, I hope that it is fun.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

As if I don't already have enough to do,

I am now on a Jury. YEAH - This is my very first time being picked for a jury. It will be interesting to say the least. I have always wondered what the experience was like, I guess it is time to find out. Since the girls are not in school this week, they are staying with grandma during the days.

I am excited about Friday night. Karen & I are getting together to scrap. We also got together last Saturday night at the Oasis. Yeah - I can't believe that we talked the guys into two weeks in a row. I also have three classes that are coming up at I love Scrapping. The first is a gift bucket/sports bucket class, the second is a BBQ LO, and the third is a Hawaiian themed LO. I also have quite a few classes on the calender for upcoming months.

On less happy news, we all start back to school next week (the girls have their last week of summer school) and I start all of my stuff next week. No kids untilt he 5th though. This is my 12th year teaching and boy did it fly by. It doesn't seem to be going very fast when you are in it, but looking back it is hard to believe that it has been that long. The girls actually start back on the 6th (Ahnika & Kiana) and the 7th (Regan). Regan says that she is a little nervous because of the school change, but I am sure that she will do great. Ahnika is also a little apprehensive because she is changing classrooms. She has been in Rm 1 with Ms. Jayasekera and Ms Hann for the last 4 years, she is moving into Rm. 6 with Mrs. Hahn & Ms. Genet. Fortunaltely she has spent some time with them already (three weeks fduringt he summer). Kiana will stay in romm 1 with her favorite teachers. It is so nice to know that the teachers genuinely care about the girls. I think that that is the hardeest part of sending Regan to a new school. Not knowing the teachers or the staff at the school. Mom is a little nervous too, I suppose. LOL

Sunday, August 20, 2006

BUSY Busy busy...

Well swimming is finally over for the summer. After 8 weeks, I am a little happy that I am not going to be sitting on the pool deck everyday. Especially now that I am on the soccer field as well.

Of the two teams we are coaching this year, both are purple/lavender in color. The little girls (U6) have chosen the name "PURPLE PUMAS". The older girls (U8) have yet to choose. We are not choaching Regans team so we do not know what color hers is yet. Who knows maybe it will be purple as well. Tim was happy - ONLY ONE SHIRT to buy.

On a sadder note, I am also getting ready to start back to school, as are the girls. I think they are looking forward to it much more than I am. We have been very busy making sure everyone has clothes and shoes that fit and that they look good for the first day back. It seems that no matter how old you are it is always a bit nerve racking.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Well it is that time of year!

The soccer season is getting started. Things have changed a bit from last year though.

The first change is that Kiana is finally old enough to actually play, and not just sit on the side lines and cry because she can't play or sneak on the field during the middle of the game. She has been dying to play and she is so excited that she has a team and a coach all of her own.

The second change is that because of Kiana playing, we are now going to have to try to juggle three games on Saturdays and three sets of practices during hte week. All three girls are in different divisions. We are coaching two teams, Ahnika & Kiana's teams. We will also help the other team, but not as a coach. Tim and Kevin will undoubtably ref enough games to get htem to the tournament.

The thrid change is that this year, I am on the Board as the U6 Commissioner. All this means is that I organize all of the U6 teams, fix problems that they have and make sure that it runs smoothly. I am having a blast and all the kinks are getting worked out.

In addition to soccer season starting the girls have also spending this week at the Seahorses camp. This one, the full day camp, is the girls favorite because they eat at the Biola cafe, and then get to swim in the pool at free swim. They play soccer in between. Like I said the girls love it. They have also fallen in love with the coaches and the Seahorse Team. The players of this PDL team are awesome. One of the things that I love about the team is their commitment to God. They teach parables and verses to the kids. They pray with the girls and just set good examples all around. THe girls love them. Ahnika has taking a particular interest into "Coach Beefcutter" who is the goalie (since she sees herself as one as well).

She even has a Seahorse jersey with his number on it. It is very cute. Regan on the other hand has taken to "Coach Redneck". His number is on Regan's jersey.

Thanks for stopping by. Have a great week.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

We're definitely keeping busy

doing all kinds of things while I am off for the summer. Tim & Kevin are off at some AYSO Referree training for the weekend so the girls and I are being creative when it comes to thinking up things to do. Last night we slept in the play house, which is insulated, but in this 100+ weather we are having all the insulation does is trap the heat inside. Even with the windows of the play house open the girls were begging to come in the house at about 11pm. I was bound and determined to keep them outside, since they practically bugged me all day to sleep there. THis morning we were up and busy again. First thing inthe morning we decided to decorate some masks. The girls did a great job painting them. Regan's mask was a butterfly, as was mine, Kiana did a princess mask, and Ahni had a cat (I did a cat too). Once they were done, we put ribbon of the sticks and sat them out in all of that heat to dry.

After doing the masks the girls played with their friends, Mitchell, Cole, Lauren, & Megan for a while while scrapped a little. It was so nice to get some stuff done.

The items I am working on right now are for a "Grand Re-Opening sale" at my local LSS (local scrap store) - They just moved to a bigger location and are reopening. I started teaching classes there at the beginning of the May and was asked to do some "Make-n-takes" for the sale. I have to admit that I really like doing it. The girls also decided to donate some books to the play room that they now have. We went in yesterday and the girls had nothing to do in the room while I was talking to the owner. They said that at least they will have some things to do if they donate their stuff to the store. I have to admit, I love the fact that the girls are willing to give their stuff away so that other kids can have things to play with or to wear.

I hope that all of you are having a great week so far. Thanks for checking in.

Monday, July 17, 2006

We're Back!!!

Well, the weekend in Oxnard was much better than I had expected it to be. Not only did I get a lot of work done, the girls and Tim (along with Grandma Maryann) came up play with me. We were able to extend the hotel room and come home on Sunday instead of Saturday. We spent Saturday playing around. We sat on the beach during the morning, rented a 4 peddle bike (that sat up to 8 people). After we got off the beach we decided to visit the Channel Islands National Park, at which the girls all completed the requirements to become Jr. Rangers (This is about the 13th park). After that we stopped to get a pizza for Maryann and the girls and then Tim & I went to a nice dinner. After dinner we were right back at it, in the jacuzzi. The girls LOVE pools, beaches, & jacuzzis. On Sunday morning, after breakfast, we began packing up for the ride home. It took us about 4hours to get to Oxnard (tim & the girls in a truck with no AC in 110 degree weather), I in a nice AC'ed car). It only took us about 1hr 15mins to get home. Traffic was horrible on the way there.

Today we were back in the hustle and bustle of our life. Regan & Ahni were back at soccer camp and Kiana at swimming. Later today we will also continue group lessons for all the girls. And now I have the truck with no AC in 100 degree weather I guess payback is only fair. LOL

Thursday, July 13, 2006

July 13th

Today I leave for Oxnard. I am spending two nights at the beautiful Embassy Suites Mandalay Bay Resort. Unfortunately, it is for work and I wish that the girls and Tim were going with me. Instead I will be with some really good friends; Owin, Liz, and Candy. It is amazing when I think that we have pretty much worked together for the past 12 years. WOW the time sure flew past. The girls are enjoying swimming and soccer camp and Kiana can swim about 1/2 of the width of the pool. Not bad for such a little girl. She still cries because she says it is too far, but she loves her teachers Kyle and Zack (she is taking to 2 lessons/day) and will do almost anything to please them. Tata for now

Here are some pics of the family at the beach. We took Regan's BFF, James, with us.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Hello All! July 12,06

Well I finally created my own blog spot. Can't believe I was actually pulled into this as well as everything else I do. The girls and I have been enjoying the summer so far. We have spent time in San Diego (on the beach), at Huntington (on the Beach), and at the pool. The girls have also been on the soccer field quite a bit so far. Regan & Ahni are spending their mornings on at soccer camp while Kiana has private swimming lessons. (she says she loves her teacher). LOL In the afternoon, we all head back to the pool for group lessons for all three girls. We have also been spending time reading and doing some math and spelling homework (that is the price they pay for having a teacher for a mom.